Minggu, 09 Januari 2011


The Types of Batik
A. Batik Chinatown / Chinese
Chinese people have long been known as the Nation nomads. They are also known firm in preserving the indigenous culture of his ancestors. Usually in their overseas countries integrate their culture with local culture as a form of acculturation. So also happened in Indonesia, particularly in Batik. Descendants of the nomads Chinese in Indonesia are usually produced batik for the community itself or also traded. Batik Batik production of so-called Chinatown is characterized by the bright colors and varied enough, in many display a wide piece of fabric colors. Motif that is used a lot to enter the Chinese cultural elements such as motifs or peacock phoenix, and dragon. Usually Chinatown batik pattern is more complicated and subtle. On the days of old Chinese quarter in the form of batik sarong Kebaya Encim combined with a fashion typical of Chinese women in Indonesia. In producing Batik Pekalongan famous Chinatown is one Tjie Tan Hou.

B. Dutch Batik
In the Dutch colonial era, of course many Dutch citizens who lived and settled in Indonesia. They apparently also interested in local culture. Just as Chinese citizens, citizens of Dutch descent many also make and produce batik. Batik produced by residents of Dutch descent it has its own characteristics. Motif that is used mostly flowers numerous in Europe such as Tulip and motif figures in the famous fairy tale there. Batik is highly preferred model in Europe. People who make the famous Dutch Batik in Pekalongan, namely Van Zuylen and J. Jans. Their works dominated the 20th-century ago.
C. Batik Rifa’iyah
Batik is a type of strong Islamic influence. In Islamic culture motif – the motif associated with inanimate objects can not be described exactly the same as in the original. According to this pattern in batik motif rifa’iyah especially those about animals seen his head cut off. Because the teachings of Islam all lawful form of animal sacrifices which had to cut his head. Usually, citizens of Arab descent produce this kind of batik.
D. Kraton of Batik Effect
Pekalongan batik makers often make batik motif is characteristic of Batik Kraton Yogyakarta or Surakarta. The motive force in the life of the palace which is usually the cement, cuwiri, machetes etc. Although the influence of the palace but the pattern making techniques and pewarnaanya Pekalongan style. So the more unique and interesting. Please note style coastal style Pekalongan is so much more free and have a variety of outside influences
B. Dutch Batik
In the Dutch colonial era, of course many Dutch citizens who lived and settled in Indonesia. They apparently also interested in local culture. Just as Chinese citizens, citizens of Dutch descent many also make and produce batik. Batik produced offspring Dutch citizen has its own characteristics. Motif that is used mostly flowers numerous in Europe such as Tulip and motives figures famous fairy tales in there. Batik is a very popular model in Europe. People who make the famous Dutch Batik in Pekalongan, namely Van Zuylen and J. Jans. Their works dominate the twentieth century ago.
C. Batik Rifa’iyah
Batik is a type of strong Islamic influence. In Islamic culture motif – the motif associated with inanimate objects can not be described exactly the same as in the original. According to this pattern in batik motif rifa’iyah especially those about animals seen his head cut off. Because the teachings of Islam all lawful form of animal sacrifices which had to cut his head. Usually, citizens of Arab descent produce this kind of batik.
D. Kraton of Batik Effect
Pekalongan batik makers often make batik motif is characteristic of Batik Kraton Yogyakarta or Surakarta. The motive force in the life of the palace which is usually the cement, cuwiri, machetes etc. Although the patterned effect of the palace, but making techniques and pewarnaanya Pekalongan style. So the more unique and interesting. Please note Pekalongan style is coastal style so much more freedom and get a variety of outside influences.
E. New Javanese Batik
In the era of Javanese batik production after Hokokay. In the New Java Batik motifs and colors that exist in the era of Javanese batik Hokokay more simplified, but still distinctively early afternoon without tumpal. Most use a motif of flower arrangements and lung – lungan
F. Batik Jlamprang
Motive – a motive Jlamprang or in Yogyakarta with nitik name is one of the most popular batik produced in the area Krapyak Pekalongan. Batik is the development of Indian motifs Potola of geometric-shaped or star-shaped eyes sometimes the wind and use a branch that ends square. Batik is perpetuated Jlamprang be one way in Pekalongan.
G. Batik Light of the Moon
A batik design in which the ornament only in the bottom of it either in the form of “lung – lungan” or ornament in the form of stocks it is empty or the form of points – points. Batik is also called the Light of the Moon Gedong or Ram – Raman.
H. Write Combination Batik Cap
Batik batik combination actually write where a second process or before “disoga” “direntes” or write so dirining by batik batik looks like it was written. This was done to accelerate the production of batik and uniformity.
I. Three State Pekalongan Batik
Like batik – batik other countries where there is a red color blue cloth soga who all made in Pekalongan sometimes replaced blue purple and green.
J. Pekalongan Sogan
Batik with twice the process whereby the first process but sometimes there “coletan” white background, and for a second process of batik “ditanahi plataran” full or ornament in the form of new fine point after that “disoga”. Batik Soga classic look
K. Tribusana
Represents a new style of batik-making process in which ways the two direntas or riningan and most motive – his motive “lung – lungan lanjuran”. Batik Tribusana have an annual and plain.
L. Batik Food / Farmers
Batik is created as a diversion activities at home housewives dikala not go into the fields or during leisure time. This batik is usually coarse and clumsy and not smooth. Hereditary motives according their respective regions and batik was not done professionally because just as odd. For staining were included into the merchant.
M. Coletan
Where in a batik cloth stained in some places using a brush and dab system for dyeing only once unless soga color, other colors use a dab.
N. Batik Kemodelan
Is batik – batik classic style whether it comes from Yogyakarta and Solo, is made with a new composition by staining Pekalongan and modern look. This is very popular in the era of Sukarno era to make batik Yogyakarta and Solo to add color.
O. Batik Osdekan
In a batik cloth will arise again dibatik one color will continue to be overwritten with another color in the form of both young and old color or other colors, it makes the colors more vivid and batiks like there are shadows.
P. Modern Batik
Batik is in the process, especially in the coloration of a new system, which is usually in the dyeing is now using another system either tu form, grading, wood grain or broklat hurdles. These motifs are motifs which have relationship with aesthetics. The composition of this batik freestyle popular in an era of 80 years.
Q. Contemporary batik
A batik batik look unusual, but still uses the same manufacturing process to make batik.
R. Batik Cap.
Batik making using the tool beebentuk either seal or stamp or keliran coletan process

1 komentar:

  1. we as one of batik artisans in Yogyakarta , precisely in the village of batik Giriloyo still persisted in making traditional batik of Yogyakarta .
    Please come to the place we were lucky to see the process of making batik directly .
    Greetings Special

    Kampung Batik Giriloyo



Foto saya
Surakarta, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
1. Rini Puji Rahayu (08520049) 2. Siti Fathonah W (08520051) 3. Eka Setiyani (08520086) 4. Rina Aminati (08520110) 5. Yonas M. Adi (08520111)